- Best service for accessing easy lobbies in Call of Duty: Warzone
- Not a real VPN
- Does not encrypt your traffic
- Logs user data
- Can't bypass any kinds of restrictions online
Apps | Windows |
Price | $4.90 per/month |
Payment methods | PayPal, Credit Card |
Refund | 7 days |
Protocols | OpenVPN TCP/UDP |
Log Policy | Logs data |
Simultaneous connections | 1 device |
Based In | Belgium |
Netflix | No |
Torrenting | No |
Streaming | No |
Works in China | No |
Jurisdiction | Belgium - Fourteen Eyes (Nine Eyes + Germany, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, and Spain) |
Looks like a VPN, works like a VPN, calls itself a VPN, so it’s probably a VPN, right?
Well, not exactly.
NoLagVPN came here to do two things – play Call of Duty: Warzone and that’s it. This provider is living, breathing proof that you don’t have to be a full-fledged VPN to get the job done. And that job can get ridiculously specific.
But there seems to be a lot of confusion about what NoLagVPN actually is and what it can do. And, at the same time, there seem to be no clear answers to the questions that keep you up at night. All the other review websites seem to be busy listing the “top 10 of actual no-lag VPNs” [which is not a thing, by the way].
We’re here to fix that and tell you exactly what NoLagVPN is, how it works, what it can, and, most importantly, what it can’t do for you. NoLagVPN: Simply the best way to enjoy Call of Duty: Warzone!
An introduction
NoLagVPN seemingly came out of nowhere and has been ranking up like it’s the double XP weekend.
Launched somewhere in the second half of 2021, NoLagVPN quickly made a name for itself as the best VPN out there for playing Call of Duty: Warzone. And that’s pretty much all that this provider promises to do for you.
Nobody knows anything about this provider, and even fewer people seem to care. But, just for the fun of it, we’ve done some of our signature detective work and have reason to believe that NoLagVPN is actually based in the Kingdom of Belgium. Bet you didn’t expect that, right?
The sole purpose of NoLagVPN is accessing the easy lobbies in CoD: Warzone, to help you kick ass, take names, horde kills, and get your KD up faster than you can say ‘cracked‘. This is all that this provider set out to do, and it does it like nobody else.
However, when it comes to providing an actual VPN service, NoLagVPN’s commitment to that just might end with its name.
We’re gonna put it as straight as we can: NoLagVPN is not a VPN!
Yes, NoLagVPN is built using OpenVPN connecting protocols, and generally works sort of like other VPNs in concept. But it does so only so you can play Call of Duty: Warzone. And that’s it. Nothing more.
So NoLagVPN calling itself a VPN is kind of cheating. Then again, easy lobbies are kind of cheating as well. So they’re staying on brand over here.
Since we’ve set out to do this, we’ve decided to give NoLagVPN a proper review, find out and explain how it works, why can it do what it does so well, and debunk all of the confusion surrounding it.
Here we go, and we’re gonna be fast.
NoLagVPN locations
Most VPN providers operate either a physical or a virtual network of servers, that they channel your connection through, thus changing your virtual location and adding an extra level of security to the mix. NoLagVPN, however, does things a bit differently.
First and foremost, NoLagVPN does not host actual servers, and it doesn’t channel your entire Internet connection through anything.
When you buy, install, and launch NoLagVPN, you won’t see your IP change or Google switching to some weird language you have never heard of.
NoLagVPN doesn’t actually change your virtual location.
But wait, NoLagVPN says it gives you access to easy Call of Duty lobbies all over the world? How would it do that then?
Well, what NoLagVPN does is sneaky. It uses the OpenVPN connection protocol and SmartDNS to channel only a part of your game-related Internet connection through the specific locations that give you access to the best easy lobbies.
And as far as easy lobbies go, NoLagVPN definitely has the best of them covered. The app will get you access to those in Hawai, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Russia, Turkey, and many more. Basically, if the place is known for having Warzone bot lobbies, NoLagVPN has got it covered.
Since NoLagVPN is so specific with what it does, it also has no problem adjusting its service to include some of the newly discovered easy lobby locations. And they keep updating them nearly every day.
Accessing them is a bit more complicated though. Depending on where you live and where you want to connect to, you have to download and install the configurations for the locations manually.
But we will get to that.
NoLagVPN speed test
NoLagVPN goes really specific not just with its service, but with its name as well.
We do not know who came up with the name [also, what is up with the awful VPN names in general?], but talk about setting the bar high for yourself.
NoLagVPN actually says that it has virtually no impact on ping, internet speed, latency, packet loss, or anything that could cause you the game. A VPN that’s made for playing Warzone and fully committing to giving you the best possible experience.
That’s a pretty bold statement.
See, a VPN can’t actually not impact the speed of your Internet. VPN connection protocols are heavy, they add encryption to your traffic, they relay your connection through distant servers, and that just can’t go unnoticed.
So, can NoLagVPN pull off an incredibly bold statement?
For the most part, yes!
By shedding encryption, a lot of what makes VPNs actual VPNs, and only using a part of your connection to access distant CoD lobbies, NoLagVPN actually manages to keep its speed impact to a minimum. Now, we wouldn’t go as far as to say that NoLag DOESN’T impact your connection at all, but it’s definitely minimal, and will definitely not impact your game in any major way.
But don’t take our word for it. Here’s our regular connection speed:
And here’s what we got when connected to India:
So that’s basically no impact on anything ever. If anything, the speed got an increase.
And here’s the speed we got once connected to South Africa, one of the newest locations for accessing easy lobbies:
That’s an 8% decrease in download speed and pretty much no impact on upload speed or ping. How many VPNs can brag about that?
And here’s what we got when connected to Russia:
That’s about an 11% impact on speed, and, again, virtually no impact on upload speeds or ping. Pretty awesome, right?
The worst result was probably Hawaii, but we mean ‘worse’ in the contents of NoLagVPN, which is still pretty awesome:
So a 16% decrease in download speeds was as bad as it got. And if that’s as bad as it gets, that’s pretty darn amazing.
So, all in all, NoLagVPN does pretty much exactly what it says it does.
By channeling only part of your traffic through a remote location, it manages to sustain almost unimpeded speeds. The hit on speed is still there, but compared to real VPNs it’s abysmal.
While this is an impressive feat, it does come at the sacrifice of VPN protection, security, and anonymity. And whether some sweet Warzone gaming is worth it is entirely up to you, but you should definitely not expect NoLagVPN to provide you with protection pretty much any other VPN would.
Don’t believe us? Let’s go deep.
NoLagVPN security and privacy
As we said on nauseatingly multiple occasions and will keep hammering in: NoLagVPN is not a real VPN.
The software is built on the OpenVPN protocol, but it only uses it to channel your gaming traffic through remote locations to give you easy lobby access. And with that, you lose all of the security, privacy, anonymity, safety, and whatever else you get with a regular VPN.
NoLagVPN doesn’t really hide that fact, but it doesn’t explicitly talk about it either. So we have to fill in the blanks.
And here’s NoLagVPN spectacularly failing at even the most basic cybersecurity tests:
And the same goes for the DNS leak test:
Even though the OpenVPN protocol does come with encryption, NoLagVPN only uses it for part of your internet traffic, leaving the rest exposed.
This does give you a little bit more speed, but it leaves your connection completely unencrypted and exposed to the cyber-elements.
Oh, and NoLagVPN also doesn’t swap your IP address, so even we know it’s you!
NoLagVPN is built on the OpenVPN TCP protocol, but it only uses it as a means to change your gaming location.
When using NoLagVPN, you are using the OpenVPN app. But the configurations NoLag provides you with are made in a specific way to only affect the Internet traffic that is related to Call of Duty.
Put simply, NoLagVPN is using the OpenVPN protocol, but you’re not.
Logging Policy
As a ‘VPN’ that doesn’t promise you any protection, NoLagVPN has logs for days.
When reading the privacy policy we had to keep reminding ourselves that this is not a real VPN provider, so we don’t spiral into a shock-coma.
Look, if you look at it like any other SaaS product, NoLagVPN’s logging policy is just another in a long line of disgusting privacy practices. If you look at it as a VPN logging policy, well, first of all, you shouldn’t since this is not a real VPN, but if you insist – No VPN provider should ever have a policy like that.
So, apart from the Privacy Policy being completely ripped off from other VPN providers to the point where it doesn’t even make sense, it does explicitly say, that NoLagVPN collects:
- Establishing VPN connections
- Timestamps
- Your original IP address
- The location you connect to
- Amounts of data transfers
- Duration of the connection
- Any additional information
Yep, that’s all of it, NoLagVPN.
The funniest thing about this, probably, is that they still say it’s minimal information. *ugly crying ensues*
And that’s about it.
As a service dedicated exclusively to Call of Duty Warzone gaming, NoLagVPN doesn’t need to have any additional VPN features. And given that the service has little to nothing to do with VPNs and online security, it doesn’t need a kill switch, a virus scanner, and a latte maker.
So, bottom line, NoLagVPN takes the ‘Private‘ out of ‘Virtual Private Network‘. And while this kind of VPN ethic makes us freak out and go write an angry blog post about how everything is bad, we’re still reminding ourselves that this product has nothing to do with online privacy or security.
NoLagVPN is just a gaming add-on. And that’s it.
NoLagVPN apps
You would assume that a gaming-only sort-of-VPN would have native apps for all the different devices, gaming consoles, and whatever else you can game on.
But no. NoLagVPN only supports Windows, and Windows Warzone gamers only.
But hey, if you’re gaming on multiple PCs at least NoLagVPN does not limit the number of devices you can use.
Desktop app
We’re not sure how you out this. but NoLagVPN doesn’t actually have an app of its own.
Instead, what you end up using is the original OpenVPN client, and what NoLagVPN gives you is configuration files that you upload to the app to connect to the place you want.
And that’s it.
The OpenVPN application isn’t particularly user-friendly, nor was it made to be. It’s a pretty sophisticated piece of software, with lots of data you don’t need.
However, NoLagVPN does take steps to make it as easy on you as possible. If you avoid all of the metrics, buttons, and squiggly lines, all you do is upload the configuration file, connect, and game.
That’s it.
NoLagVPN and streaming
You’ve got places to be, so let’s cut this one short. NoLagVPN does not work for streaming.
This goes for Netflix libraries, all of the other popular streaming platforms, even including the free ones. It can’t and it never will.
If you want your VPN to be able to unblock streaming platforms and games, you’re better off looking elsewhere.
NoLagVPN and torrenting
Again, no use to keep the suspense up. NoLagVPN does not support torrenting and P2P connections.
So it’s no good for downloading, despite its impressive speeds.
The provider doesn’t even change your IP, so if you are planning on launching your BitTorrent, you will be completely exposed. Just don’t.
NoLagVPN and gaming
Ah, so we have arrived. The only thing that NoLagVPN claims to do, and do it better than others: Gaming.
Well, gaming is a big word and it doesn’t really apply here. NoLagVPN doesn’t do gaming, it only does Call of Duty: Warzone, and only on PC.
But we’d be remiss if we didn’t say it doesn’t do it well.
Even though we’re not that big on gaming, we did dust off the ol’ controller and give the provider a spin [otherwise, what are we even testing here]. And… well… it did exactly what it promises – connected us to the places we wanted to be, gave us access to some of the easiest lobbies. And we suck, so we really needed to change the SBMM tides:
We have heard about issues with the application, but personally, we did not encounter any. After playing for a few days and getting our KD up [so fun!], we launched the app and would consistently get lobbies under 1.0 KD. So we could stack kill and feel like complete badasses if only for a moment.
And the speed was as advertised. Fast, consistent, no connection drops, no latency, no lag, no nothing.
Not that a decent VPN provider would drop kick the game – no at all. VPNs have gaming figured out by now. But if you want the best possible speed and all you play is Warzone, yeah, no beating NoLagVPN with that.
Unfortunately, that is it. Not that NoLagVPN promised anything else, but it is extremely specific with what it does. NoLagVPN doesn’t work with ANY other game, including other Call of Duty games.
NoLagVPN subscription plans and prices
You’d think that a provider that goes so specific with its service would be liberal with its prices.
But NoLagVPN is full of surprises.
NoLagVPN might not offer as much as some of the other VPN providers, but it definitely, has most of them beat with its prices:
- AÂ 1-month subscription will cost you $7.9, which is really steep.
- The 6-month subscription will let you save a bit and set you back $6.5 a month.
- Finally, the 1-year plan is the best value for money, costing just $4.9 per month.
This is probably one of the few times we are suspicious about a longer subscription.
There has been a lot of buzz, but nothing concrete about Warzone cracking down on VPN users. Gamers are always freaking out about shadowbans, and being kicked, or blocked from accessing easy lobbies, but we haven’t seen any of that happen to us.
However, tides can change in an instant. And it’s not a stretch to think that one day Activision might wake up and ban VPN use and easy lobby access altogether. And then you’re stuck with a 1-year subscription, that’s pretty useless outside of Warzone.
So the choice is yours: If you want to save a few bucks, go for a 1-year subscription. If you don’t want to risk it, probably don’t go for a lengthy commitment.
Payment methods
Just like its service, NoLagVPN does the bare minimum with its payment methods. It accepts:
- Credit card payments
- PayPal
With credit cards being the preferred method of purchase.
Does NoLagVPN have a free trial?
NoLagVPN does not feature a free trial or a free version. What it does have is a 7-day money-back guarantee.
NoLagVPN customer support
Goes without saying that NoLagVPN doesn’t have any sophisticated support options, such as live chat. But it probably has to deal with a lot of annoyed gamers from time to time.
So, can it handle angry Mountain Dew-fueled gamers?
Well, with NoLagVPN you get a very tiny FAQ page, that still covers most of the things you need and walks you through the use of the service.
And you also have the email support option. And, we have to say, it’s pretty nice overall. Thorough, and pretty fast, NoLagVPN definitely cares.
And a bit of a personal touch when it comes to configuration updates isn’t half bad either.
Bottom line
This actually wasn’t easy.
As a primarily VPN review and privacy-focused project, we cannot in good conscious advertise NoLagVPN. Because… well, and we can’t stress this enough, IT’S NOT A VPN for reasons we’ve just covered ad nauseam.
But the more we worked on the review, the more we thought: hey, but why can’t VPN technology be used for more than its original purpose? Isn’t this a sign of VPN versatility and it being able to go as broad as possible, and as specific as possible?
Regardless, of what we think, NoLagVPN knows what it is, and it’s not trying to be anything else. It doesn’t score high [or anything] in our review, but it gets all of the points for what it says it does.
The only thing we are concerned with is that NoLagVPN blew up so much, and gamers seemed to have forgotten that real VPNs can do gaming too. And they have been doing it for much longer and just as good as NoLagVPN.
If you are looking for the full package, very much viable alternatives to NoLagVPN are CyberGhost and ExpressVPN [who NoLagVPN actually ripped the website off from]. They offer the same services, and they can access easy lobbies just as well (even though the choice of locations and lobbies is much fewer) with the added benefits of everything a true VPN can do.
But ultimately, the choice is yours.
And the bottom line is – If all that you are looking for is Call of Duty: Warzone, then no one does it better than NoLagVPN.
well post
Try it yet?
Got the nolagvpn it is ok but the costumer service is shit like hell.
Dont answering question, still taking the money from the credit card but the vpn doesnt works anymore. Like i sad bad service!!!!!!
Hey T.K.
Thanks for sharing your experience with NoLagVPN with us.
Ours was a little bit different when we were testing the provider, but they might have slacked off since then. But, as we’ve said, this is a service for one thing, and one thing only, they don’t really focus on any other aspect but Call of Dutying, it seems.
But hey, you can always try some of the other, real VPN providers, like ExpressVPN and CyberGhost, that work just as well with the game, and are much better at customer support
I’ve tried other VPNs and no they do not work very well. If I tried to play from any country other than my own, I couldn’t get a game under 200 ping. That’s basically unplayable. That said, with NoLag, I could play wherever I wanted and the ping was normal, but the lobbies weren’t any easier than without NoLag. So I don’t know if it’s even worth it.
I think you should try NoLagVPN about this. We’re more about security than about gaming. So it could be that Activision simply patched this out.
That said, two key things of note:
1. NoLagVPN is not really a VPN. It just uses OpenVPN technology to reroute some of your traffic for location spoofing purposes. But it doesn’t do anything else a regular VPN does.
2. You can get a decent ping with a regular ol’ VPN, but you’re going to have to go for some high-end stuff. We’ve been experiencing issues with this as well, and so far ExpressVPN worked best for us when connecting to the really far away places. It’s all about the heaviness of the protocols. If you try to connect from the US to Egypt with OpenVPN, despite how well it’s boosted and implemented, you’re always going to get lag. ExpressVPN at least has the lightest protocol going for it.
doesnt even remotely work. sure theres no lag, but the sbmm is the exact same what a joke.
Hey Ryan!
Thanks for sharing your experience. Have you tried all of their locations? Sometimes some work better than others.
We will re-test the service and update the review if we find it no longer working.