DoubleVPN taken down by law enforcement. User accounts and logs seized.
On the 29th of June, 2021, international law enforcement has taken down DoubleVPN. Apart from seizing the provider’s domain, the authorities have also gained access to the provider’s servers, user accounts, logs, and personal user information.
DoubleVPN is a Russian-based VPN provider. It used to offer the options of single-, double-, and triple-encryption, relaying the connection through multiple VPN servers. This was supposed to achieve absolute anonymity and untraceability online.
The DoubleVPN service advertised itself as being one of the safest VPN providers around, providing a level of anonymity that no other VPN could. However, according to law enforcement, the service was largely used by cybercriminals to carry out cyberattacks.
On June 29th, through a joint effort by the US, UK, Canadian, German, Dutch, Swiss, Bulgarian, and Swedish law enforcement, the service was taken down, its domain and servers seized.
According to the authorities, law enforcement has gained access to the provider’s logs. Those contained user accounts, personal user information, traffic, statistics, and other user-related data. This means that DoubleVPN operators did, in fact, keep logs, monitor, and record user activity.
The data, stored on DoubleVPN’s servers, will now be used to identify and persecute online attackers.
The authorities are said to provide more information about the operation, and the activities DoubleVPN is associated with, in the coming days.
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